We offer our students an environment
where they can SHINE!
- All classes have two teachers at all times.
- Two-year-old classes have a max of 10 students. Threes classes have a max of 12 and the Fours and Pre-K classes have a max of 14 students.
- We are unique in that we provide weekly “Music and Movement” lessons as part of the curriculum with a specialized music teacher.
- All students also attend Chapel twice a month to learn introductory lessons about Jesus and His teachings. Chapel is taught by the Pastor and Associate Pastor of Jamestown Presbyterian Church and by the director of the Preschool.
- Jamestown Presbyterian Preschool has a library with over 500 books. Children attend weekly check-out and story times.
- Children have the opportunity for physical activity each day. We have two play grounds available (2 year old's play in an area with smaller apparatuses). If the weather does not permit outside play, we have a large gym that can accommodate lots of running, tricycles and Cozy Coupes.
- We have a security system in place to keep our students and staff safe at all times.
- Spanish, Soccer and Toddler Yoga are just a few of the extra activities we offer our students.